
Map Question

I showed the work-in-progress version of my map to several beta readers. Everyone really liked it and provided some great feedback. However, I was quite surprised to discover the range of interest readers have on maps in general. This varied from poring over in detail prior to starting a new book, to one reader who pretty much ignores maps entirely, preferring to visualize the world himself as he reads. What do you do? Which of the following best represents your view on maps while reading a new fantasy book (you can pick more than one)?

  1. I review the novel’s map in detail before starting, often looking for symbols or hints about the story
  2. I glance briefly at the map before reading
  3. I frequently refer to the map as I go
  4. I only occasionally refer to the map when needed
  5. I pretty much ignore the map entirely

Let me know by replying below. Thanks!