Layout and Fonts

Updated on June 5th, 2017

As a follow-up from, here’s an example of the interior design, including the chapter heading, drop cap and main book font. I think it works really well, is easy on the eyes, and enhances the overall story. Click on the thumbnail to see a larger version, and post a comment as to what you think?

I’m currently pouring through fonts, chapter headings, section breaks and other options with my publisher to select interior elements for my book. This is quite a fun and creative process that I’m really enjoying, and a nice break from all the editing I’ve been doing over the past couple of months. Once I have something selected and an example to show, I’ll post an update so you can see what the interior of the book will look like. Send a comment if you have any thoughts or suggestions of styles from books you particular enjoyed reading.

One Comment

  1. Jacob Robertson says:

    Like the theme and format of the website! Really like the heading. If it’s in this style, I think it’ll work great.