
Goodreads Giveaway!

Cathadeus is now available on Goodreads! Add to your to-read bookshelf and enter my giveaway to win a FREE HARDCOVER PLUS A $25 AMAZON GIFT CARD!


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Cathadeus by Jeff J. Peters


by Jeff J. Peters

Giveaway ends December 26, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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Prologue Available

November 19th, 2017

I’ve updated the link below to now include the full Prologue, not just the first few pages. I hope you enjoy reading the opening to the story.

A number of folks have asked for a preview of the first chapter from Cathadeus, so I thought I’d provide a few pages from the Prologue (downloadable PDF). While not the entire opening, I hope it provides enough of the story to keep you interested until the book releases later this year. Enjoy.

Beta Readers

Wanted to take a moment to recognize and thank my many beta readers, who’ve provided terrific suggestions, thoughts and encouragement. I’ve posted some of their comments on my site so you can see what they’ve said. Hopefully the rest of my readers will find the story equally as enjoyable. For those who read my book in the future, or read the opening chapter I’ll post in the coming months, feel free to provide some comments below. Good or bad, I’d like your feedback.